
5 New Year’s Hair Resolution You Need To Start Now

There is no better day than the first day of the year to take stock of your routines and set objectives for the ones that need some improvement. Making new year’s resolution is a terrific way to start the year off well and gives you the chance to establish new routines that will put you on a path to good health and productivity. these adjustments may be made to your weekly health routine, such as how frequently you work out and how much water you drink, or they could be made to your self-care routines, such as how you take care of your skin and hair.
In order to make 2023 your finest hair year yet, we’re going to discuss all the New Year’s resolution we believe you should think about making. many of these routines are actually extremely easy to follow and will give you healthier, shinier hair quite soon. New hair for the new year? Yes, in our opinion!

Here are five of our most doable New Year’s resolutions for your hair in 2023.

Change your Hairstyle
Why not switch up your haircut to reflect your new outlook if you are someone who celebrates the new year with the mindset of ‘new year, new you’? In our perspective, the start of a new year is the ideal moment of experiment with your hair. There are so many possibilities; you may shorten your hair by a few inches, add bangs or even try a new color.

Switch to Virgin Hair Products
Do you know that there are natural ingredients in all virgin hair products? If not, there’s no better time to rethink than the new year and opt for virgin hair products with natural ingredients. Virgin Anti Dandruff Shampoo, Virgin Anti Dandruff Conditioner, Virgin Hair Darkening Cream, Virgin Hair Food, Virgin Hair Fertilizer are all highly beneficial for the hair and all are available on our website (

Deep Condition your Hair on Weekly Basis
Honestly, you should always deep condition your hair, regardless of the time of the year. Dryness is avoided since it might cause brittleness and damage. We recommend Virgin Anti Dandruff Conditioner which fights dandruff, maintains hair’s natural shine, makes the hair smooth and soft and prevent hair damage.

Stay Hydrated and Prioritize Moisturizing your Hair
If you drink water well, it’s going to show up in your hair. That’s why it’s so important to consume as much as possible and this should be one of your new year resolution.

Accept your Hair
Last but not least, a crucial resolution you should make for yourself and your hair this new year is to embrace it the way it is! We continually criticize our appearance, including our hair, in a variety of ways, therefore one of our key resolutions for you this year is to recognize the advantages of the hair you were given. Every hairstyle is lovely in its own unique way, especially when we learn to embrace and accept it ourselves, whether it’s the color you love or your natural curls. More crucial than any product is your level of self-assurance and acceptance of your hair.

Pimples: Causes and Permanent Care 

A pimple is a tiny papule or pustule. Sebaceous glands, often known as oil glands, get blocked and infected, resulting in large, red sores that are filled with pus. Acne includes pimples, which are also referred to as zits or spots. 

Although they can appear at any age but pimples are most likely to appear around puberty.

Hormone production changes during puberty. Sebaceous glands, which are found at the base of hair follicles, may become overactive as a result of this. As a result, adolescent years and the time right before a woman’s period are when pimples are more prone to appear in women. 

The face, back, chest, and shoulders are the areas most commonly affected by pimples. This is due to the high density of sebaceous glands in these skin regions.

These four main factors cause pimples;

a. Excess oil (sebum) production

b. Hair follicles clogged by oil and dead skin cells

c. Bacteria

d. Inflammation

And these four factors can worsen or trigger it;

a. Hormonal changes – Androgens are hormones that increase in boys and girls during puberty and cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum. Hormone changes during midlife, particularly in women, can lead to breakouts too.

b. Certain medication – Examples include drugs containing corticosteroids, testosterone or lithium.

c. Diet – Studies indicate that consuming certain foods — including carbohydrate-rich foods, such as bread, chips — may worsen pimples. Further study is needed to examine whether people with pimples would benefit from following specific dietary restrictions.

d. Stress – Stress doesn’t cause pimples, but if you have pimples already, stress may make it worse.

Below is a simple way to cure pimples as fast as possible

Use a Spot Treatment cream – You must be careful when choosing a product to treat or get rid of pimples because some products contain ingredients that might worsen the condition. As expert, we recommend Virgin Anti-Spot Cream, a cream which has been scientifically proven to repair the skin, especially the face areas. The cream completely removes blackheads, blemishes, facial irritation and burns, clears pimples and restoresthe skin to its original state.


Scalp is the skin under the hair on your head. The scalp is composed of soft tissue layers that cover the skull. Unhealthy scalps are due to harsh chemicals and irritants. 

Common symptoms of an unhealthy scalp include:

  1. Itching 
  2. Burning
  3. Bumps on the scalp
  4. Extreme oiliness
  5. Extreme dandruff
  6. Hair loss

Dry scalp is caused or triggered by so many things cold, the common one is climate condition. Other reasons for dry scalp are;

a. Repeated washing: The natural oils in the scalp may be removed as a result of this. The scalp becomes dry and brittle as a result. The hair wash is done according to the texture of the hair.

b. Use of harsh hair products: When exposed to strong chemicals, the scalp gets red and itchy. After washing, the flakes could be contact dermatitis.

c. Weather changes: Cold weather dries out the skin all over your body, including your scalp. Heat blasting can also be drying.

d. Dandruff: Although it may appear like dandruff is caused by a dry scalp, there are really several different causes, including a yeast-like fungus that feeds on the oils in your scalp. Seborrheic dermatitis, often known as eczema, is a skin disorder that causes dandruff as a symptom. Itchy skin, flaking, and redness on the scalp are the results of this, especially in places with a lot of sebaceous glands.

e. Eczema: Eczema is a skin condition that leaves the scalp dry, red, itchy, and cracked.

Allergies: It often runs in families, so if one or both of your parents had eczema, the chances are high for the kids to have. Soap, detergent, stress, and changes in the weather can cause dry eczema patches to form on your scalp. You may also have dryness on your hands, elbows, face, and the backs of your knees.

f. Scalp psoriasis: In psoriasis, your immune system makes your skin cells multiply faster than usual. These cells build up on the skin’s surface and create dry, itchy patches.

g. Contact dermatitis: Contact dermatitis, another form of eczema, happens when the skin has an allergic reaction to something it comes into contact with. Hair care products, hair dye, and hair accessories can all lead to contact dermatitis on the scalp. Contact dermatitis can cause itching and burning.

How Can We Manage And Treat This Condition? 

a. Drink plenty of water

b. Get enough sleep

c. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. This can dry out the skin

d. Avoid specific heat sources, such as central heating and log fires

e. Do not use harsh hair products and shampoos and go for Virgin Anti Dandruff Shampoo and Conditioner which contains a high content of active ingredients to hydrate, protect and boost the overall well-being of your hair. Daily usage of these multipurpose products would fight, prevent dandruff, hydrate & repair damaged hair, strengthen your hair follicle, calm itchiness & irritation of the scalp, remove excess oil from your hair  leaving it soft & shiny.

f. Moisturize your hair regularly using our Virgin Hair Fertilizer – a premium hair cream that hydrates and moisturizes the epidermal barrier of the skin, heal, restore, and replenish the skin

A healthy scalp gives healthy hair, hence paying attention to your scalp is essential. If you have any itching, redness, flakiness, irritation, pain, or excessive hair loss and these symptoms bother you, you should take into the consideration the recommended products and the provided solutions.


Season change often makes the hair dry and undernourished, leading to excessive hair fall. During this time of the year, you might notice some more strands in your brush after combing or clogged shower drain. For this reason, experts advise taking special care of your hair as the seasons change. While there are many suggestions on the internet about how to achieve healthy, strong hair, we think that it all starts with a balanced diet. A well-balanced diet that contains all the necessary nutrients supports general health and nourishes us (as well as our hair) from the inside out.

Here Are 7 essential Nutrients You Should Include in Your Diet for Hair Care:

1. Vitamin A

It aids in keeping our hair hydrated. Taking vitamin A can promote hair growth. Vitamin A-rich foods include sweet potatoes, pumpkin, etc.

2. B-Vitamins

B-Vitamins support healthy hair development by carrying oxygen and nutrients to your scalp. Whole grains, bananas, lentils are high in B vitamins.

3. Vitamin C

It is essential for the production of collagen and protects hair from aging. Citrus fruits are the best source of vitamin C in food.

4. Vitamin E

Vitamin E promotes hair development and prevents oxidative stress. Vitamin E is abundant in foods like almonds, spinach and pumpkin.

5. Iron

Did you know that iron deficiency is one of the main causes of hair loss? In order to maintain healthy hair, we advise consuming a lot of iron-rich foods like beans, peas, and legumes.

6. Protein

For healthy hair development, include a sufficient amount of protein in your diet. Legumes, dairy goods, and eggs are some of the healthiest and most readily available protein-rich foods.

7. Zinc

Eating foods high in zinc will help you get rid of dandruff and grow your hair faster. Legumes, nuts, and seeds are some of the most common foods that are high in zinc.

Now that you have gone through the advice, we suggest you follow these tips and keep your hair healthy. And it does not end with diet and eating nutritious food, using the appropriate hair care products is another thing to do to have healthy hair. While eating well, the hair needs moisture to balance – Virgin Hair food is the right product to use to maintain healthy hair. The Virgin hair food is a product researched and developed for all types of hair, to strengthen and nourish the hair. Our hair food gives your hair body, thickness and helps prevent unnecessary breakage while combing thereby de-tangling with ease.

The Different Hair Types and How To Determine Your Hair Type

We always choose the wrong hair care products for our hair because we do not know our hair type and this most times, affect the hair health and growth. It is only when you know your type of hair you can style it better and know how to take care of it.

Porosity, density, thickness, and elasticity are just a few of the characteristics that define the hair type. In this insightful article, you will learn in details about the different hair types which will help you choose the right hair styling techniques and hair care products.


Porosity refers to your hair’s ability to absorb and retain moisture. The higher the porosity, the more moisture and product it will absorb. One can have high hair porosity or normal (medium) or low. To determine the level of your hair porosity, submerge a single hair strand in a cup of water;

• If it is high -the hair strand sinks to the bottom. High porosity hair is more vulnerable to damage because it easily absorbs product ingredients. It also easily becomes harsh and frizzy. Following a wash, your hair may also dry out quite quickly. High porosity in the hair cuticle is caused by a large number of pores. It is frequently brought on by the frequent use of chemical-filled products or treatments. When your hair is very porous, it is never adequately moisturized.

• If it is medium or normal – you can find the strand floating in between the water and rightly balanced. This hair type takes in the correct amount of moisture. After washing it, your hair feels wet, but not sticky. It does not require a lot of maintenance and can hold any hairstyle effortlessly. Hair with normal porosity is less prone to damage.

• If it is low – your hair strand will float on the surface. This indicates that it takes a while for your hair to dry. Less pores make up your hair’s cuticles, which reduces how much water it can absorb. When using products, they frequently rest on top of your hair rather than sinking in since the water has a tendency to stay on the cuticle’s surface. Your hair feels sticky and remains moist for several hours after a hair wash.


The quantity of hair (the number of individual strands) on your scalp is referred to as your hair density. Hair density and hair diameter are different. Denser hair can complement thin hair, and vice versa. The mirror test can be used to identify any of the three degrees of hair density. Grab a big section of your hair and pull it aside. The extent to which you can see your scalp determines your hair density.

• Thin Density: If you can easily see your scalp, you have thin hair density. That means your hair is scantily placed.

• Medium Density: If you can see your scalp partially from underneath your hair, you have medium hair density.

• Thick Density: If you can hardly see your scalp, you have thick hair density.


The breadth of a single hair strand is referred to as your hair’s diameter. To determine whether your hair is fine, medium, or thick, perform the strand test by holding a single strand of your hair between your thumb and index fingers.

• Thin Hair: You have thin hair if you can hardly feel a strand between your fingertips. The hair strand may occasionally be so thin that it is not even noticeable.

• Medium Hair: You have medium hair if you can just barely feel a hair strand. 

• Thick Hair: You have thick hair if each individual hair strand can be felt clearly.



The term “hair elasticity” describes how far a single hair strand may stretch before it snaps back to its original position. It is a reliable sign of healthy hair. The strongest of all hair types, hair with high elasticity offers a good degree of gloss and bounce. You need to pull out a damp hair strand and stretch it as far as you can to measure the elasticity of your hair. Your hair’s elasticity might be divided into one of three categories based on the results.

• High Elasticity: If a hair strand can be stretched out far without snapping, it has high elasticity. Thus, hair will be stronger. When wet, hair with a high degree of elasticity can be stretched up to 50% of its original length before breaking. Coarse hair is frequently quite elastic. 

• Medium Elasticity: The degree to which your hair stretches before breaking is a sign of medium elasticity. The average woman has medium-elasticity hair. Making use of natural hair oils and masks will help strengthen your hair. 

• Low Elasticity: Hair with low elasticity snaps almost immediately after being stretched.


You can determine how often you should wash your hair by determining how greasy it is. As greasy hair tends to accumulate residue more quickly, you will also be able to choose the proper products, such as clarifying shampoos and conditioners. 

Before going to night, properly wash your hair and allow it to air dry. Perform a patch test on your scalp as soon as you awaken. You can apply pressure with a tissue to your scalp, particularly behind your ears and close to the crown of your head. Your hair’s oiliness will depend on how much oil is left on the tissue.

• Oily Hair: If the tissue has a large, greasy patch, you have oily hair and a greasy scalp. This implies that you should wash your hair four to five times every week. 

• Normal Hair: You have a normal scalp if there is only a very slight hint of oil. Washing your hair is acceptable once to twice a week. 

• Dry Hair: The tissue hasn’t been coated in oil. This is a sign of dehydration. Make use of hair products that can both add and hold moisture. 

• Combination Hair: If only certain areas of your scalp have oil formed on tissue, you likely have combination hair. The hair around your temples and behind your ears frequently secretes a lot of oil.

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